Daftar Perusahaan


Tugu Insurance, member of Pertamina is Hiring!
Professional Development Program (MT Program by Tugu) ini akan mendevelop kamu menjadi
Future Leaders. Jangan salah mindset yah! Kamu direkrut bukan untuk jadi insurance agent, but
beyond that!
Baca aja e-booknya di link ini ya: https://tugu.info/EbookPDP2023
YUK APPLY NOW!! http://tugu.info/PDPhiring2023
Tugu Campus Roadshow & PDP Hiring - Managed by @optimus_consulting


Are you ready to reach new heights in your career? Tugu Insurance invites you to embark on a journey of professional growth and leadership. We are on the lookout for individuals who are agile, eager to learn, socially interactive, and committed to making a positive impact.

Join Tugu Insurance, the Best Home for Professional Growth. As one of the leading companies in the insurance industry, we offer exciting opportunities and a dynamic work environment where you can thrive, learn, and make a difference.

If you have a passion for personal and professional development, if you're enthusiastic about taking on challenges, and if you're eager to shape the future of the insurance industry, we want to hear from you.


Fresh graduates from all majors.

Minimum GPA of 3.00 for Bachelor's degree (S1) from reputable university.

Max. age of 27 for Bachelor's degree (S1) and 30 for Master's degree (S2) per January 1st, 2024.

Proficient in both spoken and written English.

Actively involved in organizational and social activities or has received awards at national or international levels.

Driven to learn, possessing leadership skills, interpersonal abilities, and excellent communication.

Adaptable and willing to be placed anywhere in Indonesia.

Catatan Umum

Tugu Insurance is Hiring! Program Management Trainee ini akan mengembangkan potensimu menjadi seorang pemimpin masa depan dengan cakupan belajar yang luas, mulai dari pengetahuan asuransi umum hingga manajemen strategis. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini, segera lamar dan kunjungi Tugu Campus Roadshow di berbagai kota untuk informasi lebih lanjut. 

Jadilah bagian dari masa depan bersama Tugu Insurance! 
Tugu Campus Roadhsow & PDP Hiring - Managed by Optimus Consulting

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan

Mengikuti Professional Development Program by Tugu Insurance