Daftar Perusahaan


PT. Inspirasi Masuk Kampus or widely known on Instagram as @masukkampus is an online-platform-based startup in the field of education. We grow very fast following the developments and trends of education in Indonesia. The educational content that we present is always the latest, trusted, and have the best quality. This is of course supported by providing university entrance mock test, giving insights on college entrance strategies, as well as giving strong motivation to reach the dream college.

Recently, MasukKampus has a high level of impression and engagement with a large number of millennial age groups. MasukKampus has also contributed to provide outstanding role models in academic field at tertiary institutions so that the millennial age group in Indonesia has a role model to follow.


Membuat, me-manage, dan quality control (QC) soal-soal try out serta mengatur program yang berjalan (sebagai PIC atau supervisor)



  1. Pendidikan minimal S1 PTN jurusan Matematika/Fisika/Statistika (IPK minimal 3.00 dari 4.00)
  2. Usia maksimal 26 tahun
  3. Memiliki kemampuan analisis dan problem solving yang baik
  4. Memiliki pengalaman mengajar pada tempat les
  5. Bersedia ditempatkan di Kota Bogor
Catatan Umum

Kirim CV Anda ke email:


Subject: Akademik

WA: 0878 7999 9396


Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan

Membuat, me-manage, dan quality control (QC) soal-soal try out serta mengatur program yang berjalan (sebagai PIC atau supervisor)